James L. and Tressie Wood Memorial Fund
James Lee Wood, Jr. died in May, 2010, leaving a testamentary gift to BAF with the directive that the Foundation was to establish an unrestricted fund in memory of his parents, James and Tressie Wood. Jim stated that they contributed to “the security and comfort I enjoyed during my lifetime,” and deserved his respect and admiration. Wood was a former managing editor of the Beckley Post-Herald and the last Sunday editor of The Raleigh-Register. He wrote a twice weekly newspaper column, “The Wood File,” for 10 years. He was the author of the 724-page book “Raleigh County, West Virginia,” which was published by the Raleigh County Historical Society. He was active in the Fayette-Raleigh Counties Genealogical Society, the Writers’ Group at the Raleigh Public Library and the Raleigh County Historical Society.