Wiseman Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Apply: NO APPLICATION REQUIRED: Every new UC Beckley student will be reviewed for consideration for this BAF scholarship, according to the specific criteria and level of financial need.
- Available to high school graduates residing in Raleigh County, West Virginia, who will be attending the University of Charleston-Beckley;
- Preference shall be given to students pursuing a nursing or physician assistant degree; should these degrees not be offered, preference shall be given to a student pursuing a degree in some allied health field;
- Preference will be given to students who meet these criteria and who are eligible for little or no federal or state education grants, but who demonstrate financial need as determined by the UC-Beckley Office of Financial Aid.
Apply: NO APPLICATION REQUIRED: Every new UC Beckley student will be reviewed for consideration for this BAF scholarship, according to the specific criteria and level of financial need.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wiseman made the decision to establish an endowed scholarship fund in 1998. Income generated by the fund was to benefit students attending MSU. Following the closure of MSU, the Wiseman’s directed the fund to be moved to BAF to support scholarship awards for Raleigh County HS graduates attending the UC-Beckley. Preference shall be given to students pursuing a nursing or physician assistant degree; should these degrees not be offered, preference shall be given to a student pursuing a degree in some allied health field. Throughout her career, Mona worked in several different healthcare settings, ranging from hospital laboratories to work as a physician assistant. She started a home medical equipment business which she operated for 20 years before retiring. Mona and her husband Chuck helped establish a respiratory care program at MSU. Mona was elected to the MSU Board of Trustees in 1989 and was elected Chair in 1995. She was chair during a period of tremendous growth.