The “Peggy Ann Schrader Fund” was created upon the death of Mr. Ralph Schrader in memory of his wife, Peggy Ann. This bequest is a donor designated fund to support the Raleigh County Commission on Aging with an annual distribution. Jack Tanner, Executive Director of the Raleigh County Commission on Aging, said, “It is such a wonderful experience for the Raleigh County Commission on Aging to be recognized by the family of Ralph Schrader through the establishment of a fund at the Beckley Area Foundation in the name of Ralph’s wife, Peggy Ann. Ralph Schrader was a long-time participant in the meal program and the social life at the Commission on Aging. He had his own table, as many do, where you could always find him sharing stories and so frequently talking about his little dog, who always traveled with him. In his own quiet way, Ralph left his indelible mark on the social life at the Senior Center in Beckley. The Commission on Aging through their Assistant Executive Director, Tammy Trent, would like to express her appreciation to the Schrader family for their thoughtfulness and promises to see that the resources derived from their fund are used to improve the quality of life for as many senior citizens in Raleigh County as possible.” Leaving a bequest can have a big impact over time and make a difference to an organization or your local community. Some people think they must choose between leaving a gift to their family or their favorite nonprofit organization. You can do both, and some charitable gifts may actually save your family money by decreasing inheritance taxes. A simple gift provision in your Will can make a difference in many lives.
Here are some important things to remember when you think about leaving a bequest:
Anyone interested in donating to this fund may mail contributions with “Peggy Ann Schrader” in the memo to BAF, 129 Main St. Suite 301, Beckley, WV 25801 or donate online by clicking the button below. If you are interested in leaving a bequest, call BAF at 304-253-3806 or email [email protected].
Leave A Legacy Today
BAF's Latest Legacy GiftsLeave a Legacy is a way for individuals to leave a charitable bequest to the organizations they value most. All types of nonprofit groups, including social service and arts organizations, churches, hospitals and educational institutions can benefit from charitable bequests. BAF has received $8.8 million in gifts as a result of charitable bequests. Here are some of the most recent charitable bequests BAF has received: John W. Eye Family Educational Fund - BAF recently received a legacy gift of $25,000 from Gladys Eye Lafferty to support her family's scholarship fund in honor of her father. Mac's Memorial Toy Fund - Reta H. Davis left BAF a legacy gift of $189,000 that was designated for Mac's Toy Fund. Peggy Ann Schrader Fund - A legacy gift of over $70,000 was left to BAF by Mr. Ralph Schrader in memory of his wife, Peggy Ann. This fund is a donor designated fund to support the Raleigh County Commission on Aging with an annual distribution. Anyone interested in donating to these funds may mail contributions with “Insert Fund Title” in the memo to BAF, 129 Main St. Suite 301, Beckley, WV 25801 or clicking the button below, to donate online.
If you are interested in leaving a legacy gift, call BAF at 304-253-3806 or email [email protected]. The “God’s Creatures Fund” is a donor advised fund that was established by an anonymous donor. Distributions from this fund will be used to provide support for any 501(c)3 shelter, humane society, pet/farm sanctuary or rescue organizations in good standing with the IRS in West Virginia to assist in the welfare and care of animals. Funds may be used for general operating expenses, veterinary care, spay/neuter assistance, transportation costs, adoption expense, food expense and any other cost associated with the welfare of the animal. Funds may be used both for animals being rehomed through adoption or provided for in a permanent sanctuary care setting. This fund honors the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Amen.” Anyone interested in donating to this fund may mail contributions with “God's Creatures” in the memo to BAF, 129 Main St. Suite 301, Beckley, WV 25801 or clicking the button below, to donate online. If you are interested in starting a designated fund or leaving a legacy gift, call BAF at 304-253-3806 or email [email protected].
The “Sherry Cline Memorial - Wendy's Athletic Shady Spring High School Scholarship Fund” was recently established by Wendbeck Corporation in memory of their beloved employee Sherry Cline. This fund will support scholarships for matriculating seniors from Shady Spring High School who participated in athletics. Sherry was very well known in the community while serving as the general manager of Wendy's in Beaver for 22 years. She enjoyed spending time with her family, vacationing at the beach and watching her son play sports. Sherry exemplified the founder of Wendy's, Dave Thomas’ values by treating everyone with respect, doing the right thing and giving back to the community. Sharon Walls, Wendy’s District Manager said, “Sherry Cline was a member of the Wendy's family for 37 years, and she served as General Manager for over 20 years at the Wendy's location in Beaver. During that time, she was a mentor to our employees, a friend to our customers and an asset to our community. The Wendbeck franchise whom she has worked for has placed a memorial plaque at our Beaver location and is establishing this scholarship as Sherry's legacy for giving back to everyone she meets. She was heavily involved in the Shady Spring High School athletics, which her son Jared was part of. The family and Wendbeck would like to present a yearly scholarship when it's available to someone graduating at Shady Spring High School who shows leadership through sports, teamwork and community involvement.” Anyone interested in donating to this fund may mail contributions with “Sherry Cline” in the memo to BAF, 129 Main St. Suite 301, Beckley, WV 25801 or clicking the button below. If you are interested in starting a designated fund or leaving a legacy gift, call BAF at 304-253-3806 or email [email protected].
January 2025
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